ATTENTION: Women who want to feel more empowered around food.


Discover what it means to finally feel peace and empowered around food.

If you're ready for a new way to STOP your obsessive, impulsive eating patterns and break FREE from the burden of thinking about food pretty much ALL the time then you'll find the answers in my BRAND NEW COURSE I made for people like us. 


Hi, my name is Natalie Newhart but please call me Nat.

My story with food is extensive and unfortunately very embarrassing.

See, I was a world-class athlete.

Always looking the part of this muscular, well built, confident woman who looked like she "had it all together" but I was dying inside!

Food literally ran my life.

I was either thinking about food, eating food, or using every ounce of willpower to not eat.

For years, my mind was constantly playing those tapes in my head over and over:

"What will I eat later?"
"Oh, I can't wait to eat that!"
"Should I have it?"
"What if I can't stop eating it?"
"I wish I could just stop thinking about food!" 
Why can't I stop thinking about food?"

This obsessive inner monologue was making my life a living hell.
And all the diets out there only made it worse!

I did it all.  I hired coaches. Bought courses. Tried fasting. Took supplements. You name it... but


The only temporary solution was to throw food away or not keep it in the house.
But that wasn't good enough for me.

I was literally at my physical, emotional and spiritual wits end. 

I was starving for FREEDOM, but was binging on a food-revolving world with nowhere to turn to.

That's when my breakdown became my breakthrough.

FINALLY, after the years of trying everything I had a breakthrough and with this came a new way to look at food.

No longer did I have to carry the fear, guilt or shame associated with eating.

I TRAINED myself into a new way of thinking, feeling AND eating!

AND... that's why now I'm teaching women how to create that same FREEDOM but without all the same struggles I went through. 

If you’re serious about creating freedom with food, and a body and life you can’t wait to wake up for, then let me help you. 

Right now, you might believe you'll struggle with food for the rest of your life.

I'm here to tell you:

The Freedom From Mindless Eating online coaching course is designed to help you break free from the obsessiveness and helplessness around food.

You probably already know that your emotion is the root cause of your struggles with food. What you most likely don't know is that you TRAINED that into your way of being by way of all the diets you've done and advice you listened to. ... you just didn't know you were training it. 

The good news? 
Just as you trained your way into emotional eating, you can train your way out of it.
Using the exact steps that worked for me and continues to work for my 1on1 clients, I'm going to show you how in this course.

This course offers a straightforward structure to address emotional eating from a holistic and scientific perspective so you can finally create permanent peace with food.

By the end of this course, you can expect to:

  • STOP DIETING and create a healthy relationship with food and your body
  • Stop worshipping food
  • ​Develop tools, practices and strategies to manage impulsive eating behaviors
  • Discover how to TRUST yourself by learning how to only eat when you're hungry and stop when you are full
  • Uncover the driving force behind your compulsive eating habits and stop it for GOOD 
What's Included with the
 Freedom From Mindless Eating course?
  • 7-Day Reset Food and Fitness Package -  This is your complete AM/PM routine, flexible meal plan, workout schedule, and goal setting process to get you ready for the NEW YOU!  This is the perfect place to start.

  • ​Full Access to all 10 course modules - to work on at your own pace.  In each module I'll personally guide you through the content for the week. This includes guided practices to use with each one. These modules are action focused so you'll start seeing and FEELING the transformation happening in your life from DAY 1! 

  • ​10 Downloadable Worksheets -  These are immensely valuable step-by-step processes that will help you stay on track and never worried about what you need to do next. 

  • ​10 Inner Training Focus Sessions - These 10 minute sessions are a blend of meditation and hyper focused visualization guided by me.

  • 10 Downloadable Daily Action Plans -  These are set up to use one for each week.  They include check-ins during the day to make sure you're staying on course and implementing the new patterns you'll be learning. 

  • ​AND... if at any time during the course you need just a little extra boost then you also will get a certificate entitling you to One FREE 30 Minute Support Call with me (a $200 value).  

This Course Is For You If...

  • You find yourself racing to the pantry when you’re feeling down, stressed, or upset
  • ​You feel an uncontrollable impulse to eat even thought you're not hungry
  • ​You lick your plate clean (and sometimes others' plate) every time you eat
  • When the sweets come out, you can't get yourself to have just one
  • ​When any "special" food is out, you HAVE TO try it
  • ​You're always hungry and rarely satisfied
  • ​You find yourself thinking about food pretty much ALL the time
  • ​You've tried it all: Paleo, Macros, Diet Templates, Weight Watchers, Intermittent Fasting, Gym Memberships, Smoothies, Cleanses, Supplements and seemingly every other diet only to feel frustrated and defeated by remaining STUCK in an uncomfortable cycle with food
  • ​You're sick and tired of food running your life and you want OUT!

 Can You Imagine...

How much fun you'd have when food no longer has control over you?
How empowered you're gonna feel when you can turn down food with ease?
How good you will look because you won’t be taking in unnecessary calories? 
How much more enjoyable life is because food is no longer taking up so much of your mental and emotional space?

What would you look like?
What would you feel like?
What are the things you’d be doing?
Who would you be doing them with?

Imagine how FREE you’d feel...
How much fun you’d have everyday.
Imagine the impact you’d have on people.
The inspiration you are for others.
The great health that you’re in.
The strength you'd embody.
The joy you’d feel everyday.
The trust you'd have in yourself around food.

And what an amazing life it’d be to know that as your day to day existence.
YOU get to go do that everyday.
YOU get to go to sleep having just lived that day.
And YOU get to wake up and look forward to doing it again in the morning.

What is that life to you?
Why MUST you know that life?

Is NOW the time to know that life?
WHY is now the time?

Get Started NOW!

One payment of $297

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